Encourage and Lift Up !!

You may, or may not, know this but I am EXTREMELY passionate about most areas of my life !!  I was reminded of this recently when I read a blog post from a friend who asked people to truly be who they are – both in person and on-line.  I didn’t see that as being critical, but as being encouraging.

In HR I get the opportunity to be around a myriad of people who are going through a myriad of things all the time !!  Too often, when I encounter them, it starts our negatively.  I don’t mean that they are negative people.  Just the contrary, but we live in a world where “negative” is our 1st line filter.

I love it when people cloud this fact and say, “I’m just being realistic !!”  No, you’re being negative and justifying your realism.  There are difficult things all around us.  We tend to have the mindset that NO ONE can be going through the challenges that we are facing.

This isn’t a post about “downer truth or dare” because that gets ugly quick !!  There are so many people in HR and in the workplace who need to be encouraged.  I’m not talking about recognition (although that is usually encouraging).  I’m talking about noticing the little things around you in the lives of others and lifting them up – on purpose !!

Most people are hesitant to encourage others.  There’s the fear of a “hidden agenda,” or that people just are nice to get something from you.  (Remember, people start from a negative filter . . .)

Also, people want others to make the first move.  We are much more likely to reciprocate encouragement if it’s genuinely given first.  Well, I’d like to “encourage” you to be that first person who steps out on a regular basis to lift others up wherever you are.

I’m not talking about a formal program with a goal of so many positive comments a day.  I’m talking about turning off your negative tendencies and replacing them with positive ones.  It may seem tough at first, and people may even mock you for being different.  But, isn’t that cool?  Your efforts could be the one difference that someone needs just at the time you encourage them.

Don’t pass this up !!  It’s time for you to unleash your passion !!  HR has been lacking this and it can only improve when YOU join in !!

Let me start . . .

Thanks for being in HR !!  I know people are tough – but remember – you’re a person too !!  I’m glad that I get to know, learn and grow from people like you.  Continue to know that you’re making a difference !!  You truly are !!

5 thoughts on “Encourage and Lift Up !!”

  1. I firmly believe we are put on this planet to help others. In HR we have a unique opportunity to do that. Sure, we are all about the business, but our core function is service to the employee’s. May we never become desensitized to that. This has a huge financial implications to the bottom line by creating the desire to be engaged and committed to the company.

    Consider this for proof, The 2007 Global Workforce Study by Towers Perrin established a definitive link between levels of engagement and financial performance. Firms with the highest percentage of engaged employees collectively increased operating income 19% and earnings per share 28% year to year. Bottom-line, employee engagement starts with a strategically-aligned recognition system that is directly tied to strategy of Tower.

    Be proud to work in HR and know that you have a choice everyday to make a positive difference in your employees lives while impacting the bottom-line….Excellent thoughts Steve!

  2. “Lifting them up” – giving out encouragement – a good thing to remember for everyone in life….if all our managers did this we might be out of a career!

    1. Preach it brother Steve! Here’s to choosing to enjoy the ride with passion, purpose and absolute authenticity!

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this. Very much appreciated. May you be encouraged as you encourage others. Life is grand. Enjoy the ride.

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