My co-facilitator at #HRevolution 2011, Jason Lauritsen, and I have been talking between blogs and invite those of you who read us to jump in !! It’s so much more fun when you get off the sidelines and into the fray !!
Jason posed the question – What is the State of the HR Union?
I had to have a “party” response in order for it to ring true to those responses you see to the National State of the Union addresses. However, my response will not be canned or spun . . .
HR is in a state of flux honestly. People are tending to “maintain” versus lead in organizations and that type of approach hinders our profession and lends itself to the critical articles and blog posts that tear at its foundation. When HR is risk averse, it suffers. We are so handcuffed with the fear of liability, that we miss the chance to do what is natural for us – keep the human factor in the workplace.
HR has the chance to alter the landscape of the business environment if they would do one simple thing – turn words into action !!
HR can’t continue to be the “them” in conversations within the workplace. We have the unique position in representing both management and staff. We must be decisive in that role and not ambiguous. Again, action – not words.
If HR doesn’t act, it becomes irrelevant. Now, for those of you who are the purveyors of the incessant catch phrases of our profession (ROI, synergy, analytics, etc.) – cut it out. This isn’t about talking about being businesspeople, it’s about BEING businesspeople !!
I for one love where HR stands right now because there are countless opportunities where practitioners are making a difference. Companies who not only value HR, but expect them to be integrated in their businesses.
The question is – Are you up to the challenge? Are you willing to commit, or just settle for contributing?
The thing I’ve enjoyed about getting to know Jason is that we share passion for HR that isn’t a trite, shallow, rah-rah passion. It’s practitioners who dig HR and want it to succeed. So what’s next in our conversation? One question, my friend . . .
Have we buried passion for HR in systems and methodology in order to appear to be relevant in the business world?
“MANDATORY” HR DISCLAIMER: The GenX party of HR practitioners would like to state that the views shared above were from our representative Steve Browne. They do not fully represent the entire party. (hee, hee)