Geeked !!

If you know me at all, you’ve heard the word “geeked” !!  My wife would even say that I use the word a little too much.  I can’t help in though.

Recently, I was fortunate enough to be the opening keynote at the SCIHRA Conference.  We had a great time, and a true highlight for me was when an attendee came up to me after the presentation and said, “Wow, it was great to hear HR in a positive and fun way !!”  I thanked her, but then thought that it was telling if someone had to come to an event to get HR pros geeked about what we do.

I couldn’t let this pass so I asked her how she saw HR. (Get ready . . .)

“Well, most everyone we read or hear from is either negative, snarky or sarcastic.  It’s hard to be motivated when so few are encouraging.  You took the things we do everyday and brought passion and humor.  It was great to laugh !! ”  Ouch !!!  I thanked her again and it made me think.

GeekedYou see, being geeked to me isn’t just being “positive.”  It’s really a choice of how to approach life – not just HR.

Trust me, I know what it’s like to be in a blue funk, have a frustrating day, or be negative.  To take a different approach to life takes a ton of effort and a commitment to being intentional.

Being geeked isn’t always taken very well by others either.  Unfortunately, most people start every day with a heavy sigh and a negative thought about what’s not done.  Then, it usually gets darker from there.

I’m sure there will be folks who read this and think that being geeked is some “act” or just being naive and a utopian.  Someone who’s dodging reality.  Not true in the least.

People relish the chance to have someone with them who’s excited about who they are, what they do and what’s happening in their lives. It’s an incredible feeling to see folks come to life when you get them all geeked up !!

You see, there are tons of blogs, books and articles on people bringing their “whole self” to work.  I get that, but few practice it.  If you try this approach, you might get to see your whole self emerge.  That would be awesome !!

So, this week pick something and go for it.  Get geeked and tell others about it.  Post it on Twitter or Facebook.  Send it in an e-mail.  Take a picture.  Whatever works for you, do it.  Trust me, you’ll love your day just a bit more when you do !!

I’ll be looking for the great things you’re doing.  Need to go now and see the next new thing.  You know I’ll probably be . . .

What box ??

Creative people are dangerous !!  At least, that’s how it feels.  You see the word “creative” is bantered about in blogs, articles and books.  There are several “step” plans to help people be more creative, but it seems to take some superhuman effort.

Why is that?

What is so scary about being creative?  Is it that when we hear the word we give it a massive scale like painting the Sistine Chapel?  Or, is it thought to be too scattered, unfocused, blue sky, etc.?

Being creative in HR is necessary.  It’s not something that is even an option really because great HR is in the midst of humans.  If you don’t have a creative approach in how to work with, for and around people, then HR is going to be massively frustrating !!  It doesn’t have to be, but I think that the general malaise and jadedness that fills the vast majority of the social space communicates that HR is rough.

I have to disagree !!  I recently had a great conversation with a friend who said, “Man, you (and a few others) always seem to be positive.  And, you’ve been in HR a long time, but it still seems fresh every time I hear you talk about it.”

Outside the boxThere’s a reason for this.  I call it the “what box?” approach.  This isn’t another rally cry for you to be outside a box.  It’s not allowing yourself to have a “box” at all.  Is that possible?  It is.  Let me share why . . .

I think that the fact of structure and processes still allow for vast amounts of breadth, depth and creativity !!  I don’t see them as the enemy or opposite of creativity at all.  We need to have vision, direction, focus and structure.  People feel comfortable and can perform exceedingly well when they know what the parameters are for them.  It clears up ambiguity which is what we all truly long for.

When it comes to approach, however, that’s where you can truly differentiate yourself and not conform to any particular box.  Great HR can jump from box to box to box and still be wildly effective.  In fact, by meeting people in their comfort zone, you can connect, communicate and create in amazing ways.

I follow a great book that was given to me by a friend who came to an HR Roundtable.  He said the coolest thing to me when he said, “I read this book and thought of you.”  It’s called Orbiting the Giant Hairball. It’s a personal tale of being creative at Hallmark Cards. He had to fight to be creative in a company who is supposed to be creative in order to make it’s products !!  It’s a fascinating and practical read.

You only have to dive into the hairball (box) when it’s needed.  If you don’t need to be in it, then you can orbit and create.  So, HR where do you find yourself ??  Are you stuck in your own box, or in the boxes of what others expect HR to be ??

This week, get rid of it.  Get to the point where you can say . . . what box ??

Photo credit – Outside the Box, Inc.

HR Evangelism !!

When I look out today across the HR landscape, I see something that is a great opportunity !!  Those in the HR social media community have the chance to truly bridge the gap with the profession as a whole.

I love seeing the great work that others produce in their blogs, their books and in their presentations.  There is an amazing amount of material out here that ranges from HR generalist topics to compliance to development.  The spectrum is amazingly broad, but not that deep.  I don’t mean that as a shot.  I think that there are an incredible amount of HR pros who truly are longing for resources, but they aren’t connected to “us” or the work we’re producing.

You see, we tend to want people to “come see” what we do.  Whether that be a blog, a webinar, or at events.  I want to start a new movement where we PUSH resources out to HR professionals without worrying about membership or revenue.  I also think we need to quit trying to qualify which “level” of HR person we should reach.  When we splinter and categorize people into levels of importance or impact, we divide our profession – not bring it together.

Mind the GapThere is a gap that exists between those in HR that truly have resources and connections, and those that continue to rely on their own efforts.  It’s a HUGE number of people.  I think we have an obligation to close this gap so that these folks can be great professionals in their corner of the HR Universe.

So, I have a plan.  This isn’t just a random observation about our field.  I plan to take to be an HR evangelist to truly bring the HR community together.  It will take the effort of many, but I think it can be done.  Here are the steps:

  • I am going to push other people’s great work out to the HR community through Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, and other forums.  I want people to have your work to see what’s being done, and done well.
  • I am going to continue to intentionally reach out to HR pros who aren’t as well known as others and ask them how they would like to get resources.
  • The focus is going to be on ALL HR professionals and not just those who are vocal and visible.
  • I am going to highlight the good work of others on my blog as they produce it like their books and events they produce.
  • I am going to continue to look for ways to inform, educate and encourage HR pros to get connected where it makes sense for them.
  • I will not do this on a short-term basis.  This will be my intention going forward.
  • I will highlight the passion of others to show how HR can be relevant personally, professionally and throughout all businesses and industries.

This is meant to be intentional and ungovernable.  It is meant to be persistent and far reaching.  It is meant to wake up the HR community and get them jacked up about who we are and what we do.  I’m like the Dancing Guy in the First Follower video.  A friend of mine shared this with me and said, “The video made me think of you.”  The question is . . . who’s going to follow ??

Be a Giant Slayer !!

This weekend my whole family went to see Jack The Giant Slayer.  We love going to movies in general, and I have to say that I enjoyed this take on an old fairy tale because it gave it a new spin.  Jack was truly involved in the tale as a hero with character and not someone who was out to dupe the giant.

It got me thinking about HR because EVERYTHING can be tied back to HR !!  So often I find myself, and my peers, getting stuck on the minute and minuscule things at work.  We spend endless time and effort on something that gives us angst, but has little to do with the scheme of things in general.

Why is that?  Why does our focus jump to something so insignificant?  Do we feel that if we address whatever it is, we’ll be free and unfettered to do something amazing?  No, in most cases we jump to the next small item.

Giant SlayerIn the movie Jack and the princess “long for adventure” in their lives.  Both feel that there is something out across the horizon that will bring excitement, thrills all mixed with the knowledge that the “unknown” is driving them.  That’s what I long for as well !!

HR should never been mundane or minimized !!  Seriously, when you have the chance to work with people, the landscape of what can happen is truly endless.  What would happen to your perspective if you saw every day as an adventure and that there were giants out there for you to go after and slay?  I’m telling you that you would be geeked and couldn’t wait until the next challenge showed up !!

Many HR people I meet are exasperated with their work and they don’t understand why HR truly invigorates me.  I honestly don’t know if I can explain it.  It’s just the way I’ve always approached it.  I’m not naive.  I know there are daunting aspects to HR.  But, to me they’re an adventure !!

So, this week see where your adventure can begin.  Identify the giants that are in your path and seek them out instead of avoiding them.   Take hold of your corner of the HR kingdom and jump in with both feet !!  When you do, our paths may cross because I am already seeing what’s next on the unknown horizon !!

It might be good for your soul.  Take a note from the great group They Might Be Giants !!

Image courtesy of


Leave a Mark !!

A huge event just happened, but you probably didn’t notice it.  No, it wasn’t the Grammys.  It was something much more relevant !!  What was it?

My dad turned 70 years old !!

So what?  People hit milestone birthdays every day.  What’s so big about this one?  Let me share a story . . .

You see, my “Dad” is technically my stepdad.  My biological father passed away when I was four years old, and my mom raised my brother and I on her own for nine years until she met Don.  Again, not a significant tale . . . yet.

The night Don proposed to my mom, he came into the bedroom that my brother and I shared.  He quietly said, “Boys, your Mom and I are going to get married and I wanted to ask you something.  Do you want to call me ‘Dad’ or ‘Don’?”

Now, I was the man of the house as the eldest son, and I was also an ignorant teenager who defiantly replied, “You’ll NEVER be our Dad !!  He’s dead and you can’t replace him.”  Don looked back at us and said, “That’s fine.  I just wanted to ask,” and he humbly left our room.  I thought I had put him in his place and didn’t think that I was being awful at all.

That was 1976.  He still married my mom and for years I held true and called him Don.  He was still the model father and husband regardless of my not claiming that he was.  Then high school graduation hit.  I was valedictorian of my small school and gave a speech.  This was very important to my dad because he loves a great public speaker.  I was nervous, but it went well.  As I walked out of the gym after the ceremony, he hugged me (for the first time) and said, “I love you Steve.”  I broke down and said, “Thanks, Dad !!”

He’s truly been my Dad from the day he came into my life.  You may still be asking why this should matter to you as a reader.  Here’s why . . .

Leave Your MarkMy Dad has stuck with me ever since he came into my life.  He knew that it was his role to leave a mark on my life.  He modeled everything I have hoped to be as a father, husband, citizen, man of faith, humorist, speaker, etc.  He never walked away even though I wasn’t accepting of him at first.

In HR, we meet people every day and in various situations.  Do you look at those interactions as a place to leave your mark, or are you too rushed and busy to see that you could make a difference?  Are “things” more important than the time you spend with people?

My Dad showed me the example of who I am, and who I plan to be for the rest of my life.  Every person I encounter has purpose and meaning.  I have a chance to leave a mark ever day, every moment, everywhere.

So do you.  The question is  . . . will you?

Eat. Sleep. Do HR.

Hey HR folks !!  Is the first word that comes out of your mouth when you head into work – “Ugh !!”  Seriously, does the dawning of a new day in your corner of the HR universe generate excitement and anticipation, or drudgery and a loathsome feeling?

The answer most people reading this would say – “It depends on the day !!”

You know, that’s fair.  The question you have to ask youself is what mood, or tone, do you regularly set as an HR pro?  As a department?  Do people like interacting with you, or do they do the classic, “Shhhh, it’s HR !!”

The are approximately 4 zillion posts on HR and engagement out there on the Internet now.  I suppose that even as I type, more are being typed and posted.  Rarely, however, do I see a post asking if HR is engaged.

Eat Sleep Do HRLet’s go back to how you approach this field that deals with people.  A friend of mine recently gave me this fabulous button.  ( I collect buttons, by the way.  Great hobby !!)

When I saw it, I just had to add it to my collection !!  I wear this button along with my “HR Rocks !!” button on my coat.  When Team Members see them, they either snicker or roll their eyes.  I’m actually cool with that because I want to get a reaction from them.  I ask them why they give the reaction they do, and the answer I get the most is “You sure are an HR geek !!”  Sweet !!

The other reason I got this button is to turn those of my peers who see our field as a giant mire pit of one problem leading to the next.  If any of you reading this feel this way, it’s time to reflect and see if this is the field for you.

I don’t want anyone to ever leave HR, but if any profession is defined by a black cloud or black hole approach, then you should get out of it.  I think HR is dynamic, challeging, uplifting, passionate and messy !!  How many fields can say that?  I don’t want HR to be soft and fluffy.  I don’t want HR to fall into the stereotypes that people often tie to us.

I do want HR to be inclusive, intentional and individualistic !!  We should meet people where they are – not where we think they should be !!

Recently, I met with a Team Member for the first time to recognize her for her 5 year anniversary.  We have over 1,200 Team Members who work various shifts on various days.  I wish I could know all of them personally, but that’s very difficult.  When she met with me her eyes were huge and she was anxious because she was meeting the head of HR.  When I explained that I was there to recognize and thank her for her 5 years of service, she burst into tears and gave me a bear hug !! “I love what I do !!  Thank you so much for this !!” Messy and emotional.  HR at it’s finest !!

So, this week as you get ready to jump back into the mix.  You have to ask yourself – am I going to just DO HR – or am I going to ROCK IT ??!!  I think you know the answer I hope we ALL say . . .

I’m Manic !! Who Knew ??

I love things that make me think !!  I relish something that truly challenges the way I approach life, work, values, etc.  Following the norm has never really appealed to me, and I love hanging around contrarians.  You know, people that take the boundaries of what is normally expected and then stretch them in ways in directions that just didn’t seem so readily visible.

Meet Dr. Daniel Crosby – a friend, colleague and contrarian.  He is an accomplished consultant to many industries, speaker at several conferences and now an author !!  Recently, a non-descript manila envelope arrived at my house near the holidays with Daniel’s address on the return label.  I opened it and there was no note – just a book.

Not That Great BookThe title hit me square between the eyes !! “You’re Not That Great – A Motivational Book.”  I was laughing so hard because it took me by surprise.  How did he know?  What this book just for me?  Then I opened the front cover, hoping for a bit of his wonderful satirical wit . . . and it was blank.  Must have come straight from the publisher.

So, even though I didn’t get a special note (which he actually covers very well in the book) I jumped in !!  Once I started I couldn’t put it down. (And didn’t even really want to !!)

The book challenges you on every page and makes you use your mind.  Normally when you read business books (especially about HR) you find more and more of the same things with someone’s “twist” on them.  Not this book.  It goes into great places to tear down your preconceptions and makes you understand the traps your brain puts you in when it comes to items like giftedness, self-esteem and being a bit crazy.

I loved the chapter that states “Mania is a state of abnormally elevated mood that could almost be thought of as the opposite of depression . . . hypomanic (that is, slightly manic) individuals tend to be more creative and more prolific than their non-diagnosable peers.” (p43)  Sweet !! Daniel often wants me to “cheer up” because I seem to be too positive.  Now . . . I’m hypomanic !!  Dig it !!

You can see yourself in these pages and they are extremely applicable to what we do in HR !!   The psychology of people is intertwined with every facet of HR.  Instead of reading another tome on how to improve your talent management or some insane performance management system – read this instead !!

Learn how you tick, how others tick and then see what approach works.  Daniel helps affirm the fact that we are unique, slightly flawed and 100% human !!  Make sure to delve into this book.  I am rereading it already to be able to understand myself and also work with the GREAT people around me.  It’s worth the investment !!  Get yours now !!!

I added the extra !!! for Daniel because . . .

Complex Island











Image Courtesy of the 20 x 200 Blog

Time to reflect !!

Being that it’s the last post of 2012, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect on something.  I have seen other great bloggers make lists, reissue great old posts from the year and make resolutions.

I wanted to try something different.  I want to make an “intention” for 2013 !!

What’s an intention?  It’s different than a resolution because most of them are derived at by looking at some significant “gap” in our lives and then resolving to radically alter ourselves and our behavior to attain our ideal.  More often than not – they fail.

An intention is a commitment to be intentional in a way that builds on who you already are and incrementally moves you forward.  It honestly can be in whatever area of life you wish to try – faith, discipline, relationships, etc.

For my 2013 Intention, I plan to practice more and more “others focus.”  It’s pretty simple, I want to focus on others and help them succeed !!

We are surrounded by people who grew up being fiercely independent and willing to go to almost any length to personally succeed in spite of others.  We continue to reward this in organizations and encourage it in others.  Ironically, the newest generation entering the workplace rapidly doesn’t get this.

The current generations belittle the newest generation because that’s what’s been done for centuries !!  We think that ours is better than the next.  That ours works harder, is more loyal, etc.  Honestly, each generation is amazing in its own right.

Change QuoteI’m fortunate to have two great kids, a freshman in college and a sophomore in high school.  They’re teaching me the value of “interdependedness.”  They rely on others to a fault.  Socially, interpersonally, professionally, academically.  There isn’t an area where they aren’t connected to someone.  They want personal success, but they want others to succeed as well.

I dig that.  I have tried to be someone who puts others first.  This runs contrary to most I encounter and it usually results in some awkward looks and/or conversations.  I want to continue to build on this and make others around me develop, grow and burst into greatness !!  You may think this is to idealistic, but why should people have to settle in order to make others happy?  It’s my “intention” and not yours.  There’s no reason to settle.

So, where are you going to reflect this year going into 2013?  What will you see when you look in the mirror?  Where can you be more intentional?

I know that by making others better, they, in turn, will make me better.  That rocks and I can’t wait to see what happens !!  Happy New Year everyone !!

Opportunity or Task ??

“People.  They’re all around us every day.  It’s as if we HAVE to deal with them !!!”

Sound familiar?  Sound like you?  Sound like most people in the workplace . . . and HR?  It’s not surprising.  The workplace is filled with people.  It’s an amazing fact.  They desperately want to interact, communicate, perform and excel.  But, most of our efforts each day are to limit, thwart, conceal and conform.  Why is that?

Do you know that the 1st thing the vast majority of people do when they take that first step out of the car to enter the office is to heave a massive sigh and drop their shoulders resigned that they are off to WORK once again.  We do all in our power to make sure that people are in line, on task and diligent.  We overlook the chance that they are creative, intuitive and willing.

I think it’s because we treat the interaction between people as a task and not an opportunity.  We dread the possibility that someone will want us to stop, spend time with them and listen !!  Our e-mail, twitter account and texts are vastly more important than the conversation we are “stuck in” right now.  We are so horribly distracted and long for impersonal means of communication, that we will do almost anything to make sure we keep things short and sweet in person.  Ironically, we wonder why people never change the behavior we see in them that we wish would improve !!

The fact that this must change in the workplace is a gross oversight in HR !!  In our quest for “engagement,” we refuse to genuinely interact.  By making things a program, we miss the opportunity to take things in, relish and reflect on what is said and then act in tandem with others.

We tend to say, “Well, if Steve would just change, then I could make things work between us.”  (or something similar)  The fact is that we need to take the initiative and first step to look at others (even the really difficult ones) as an opportunity each and every time we interact.  People deserve this to be honest.

So, this week, drop your task list even though it will make most of you twitch a bit.  Look around you.  Find the sea of people that are a vital component of you are and what you do and dive in !!  It will get messy, challenging and even overwhelming.  But, the outcome is worth it !!


It’s Just Dough !!

Have you ever made a comment thinking it was innocuous, but it really had damaging effects ??

Let me help you out with this.  Your comment usually starts with “It’s just . . .”  You don’t mean this to be harmful, but you don’t see how your position is calling the situation simple or “below you.”

I’ve heard people say, “What’s so hard about what you do?  I mean, it’s just HR !!”  Needless to say, I didn’t feel to good about how that person viewed me or the work that I did.  You see, this post isn’t an indictment of others, it’s a confession of my behavior.

At LaRosa’s, we have a bakery that makes our pizza dough.  The great Team Members that work there start as early as 3:00am and the 2nd shift wraps up around midnight.  They make thousands of pizza doughs a week.  One of the positions in the plant is along our two lines where the dough balls get flattened and then sent down a conveyor and people stretch and shape the doughs as they pass by.

Imagine if this was your job.  Now, imagine if you stretched dough for 40 hours a week for 20+ years !!

Could you do it?  I am at the Bakery often and there have been some Team Member issues, as there are in all locations.  People one day were having conflict over how one person on the line stretched dough vs. another person.  I said, “Seriously?  It’s just dough !!” The brilliant Admin. Asst. who works at the Bakery quickly corrected me.  “No, Steve, it’s their job and they want to make sure that it’s done right.  It matters to them.”  You could have seen my shoulders sink into the floor because I knew she was right.

This weekend I went to the retirement party of one of our doughline Team Members.  She has been stretching dough for over 20 years.  I came to realize that without her, and others who do great work, I wouldn’t even have a job.  If we don’t have dough, we don’t have pizza !!

Look around your organization.  Are there people or positions that you feel don’t contribute much?  How arrogant is that?  If you’re in HR, you should feel the weight I felt when I made this trite comment.

ALL people add value !!  ALL of them !!  It’s time we did our best to rid our companies and our profession of any more of the “It’s just” comments.

I felt very fortunate to be invited to Joyce’s retirement and loved seeing her pass to her next phase of life.  What she did was critical to the foundation of our company and our customers.  I will never belittle someone and what they bring to work again.  How about you?